Thursday, April 2, 2009

Poll results . . . and more about us

Well, after my mother shamed me for failing to post an update since MONDAY, I am doing my best to come up with something interesting to post. DH & I are sitting here, watching the end of an era on tv (the last episode of ER) while we listen to the beginning of a new era on the video monitor (Micah). Tonight, our tv is accompanied by the enjoyable sounds of The Beatles - the lullaby version. We have been playing music for Micah while he sleeps, and the sounds echo throughout the house over the monitor.

So, let me begin with the results of the poll from my last thread . . . overwhelmingly, most of you voted to cut his hair! We are still ambivalent. It is Jewish tradition to wait at least 1 year to cut a baby's hair. Some even wait 3 years before a first hair cut. Can you imagine if we waited 3 years? Micah's hair would probably be down to his cute little tush! We keep hoping his hair starts to curl up. If it was curly, we could definitely wait longer.

I have a hair appointment set up for me in 2 weeks. I have known my hairdresser since I was 7 or 8 years old. Back then, she was training to cut hair, and she was the hair washer at the place where I got my haircut. She washed my hair for years, then eventually started cutting it. I won't let anyone else touch my hair. The 2 times I did, it was a disaster. I'm hoping she'll offer to give Micah his first haircut - I think she'd love to have that honor. So, we'll see if we cut his hair in 2 weeks, or if I postpone it.

Micah is doing really well. I think *fingers crossed* we are back on schedule with him. I believe we identified the source of the bedtime screaming issues - HUNGER. He must have been going through a growth spurt, and with all the traveling, I think I must have missed the milk supply increase, so we are a bit behind the eight ball, so to speak. The past few nights, we've been increasing his food intake by giving him a bottle supplement of pumped breast milk before bed. This eliminated the screaming and bed time became easier. Yesterday, however, was a really rough day. I seemed to "run out" of milk mid-day. We had to give a bunch of bottle supplements, and I was worried about my supply. Luckily, the bottle supplements did the trick, and bedtime went smoothly. Today, I spent the day feeding him on schedule and pumping after each feeding session to try and increase my supply. It seems to have worked, and Micah was ready for bed by 8:00, happy as usual. I nursed him then topped him off with a bottle, and placed him in his crib. We had a few runs upstairs to pop in his paci to calm his fussing, and then off he drifted to sleep.

Since I am on the subject of Micah sleeping, I will say he is pretty amazing. He moves ALL around the crib while he sleeps. About ten minutes ago, he had managed to turn 90 degrees . . . and now he is back to his vertical position. I am also amazed at how restless he gets. As DH says, he is more mobile asleep than awake. Sometimes he gets quite vocal and noisy, and I think he is awake. When I go running in to check on him, I realize he is sound asleep and desperately trying to gnaw his fist off. It is a good thing he doesn't have any teeth yet. Some babies find their hands/fists comforting, but I have noticed that while Micah will suck on his hands, he never seems to be soothed by that. I carefully remove his fist and replace it with a paci, and it is magic! Micah instantly stops moving and fussing and sort of melts into a still, deep sleep. Who knew a pacifier could be such a wonderful thing!

In other news, we've been dealing with ants in the kitchen and our master bathroom. I HATE ants! We called an exterminator (the guy who grew up across the street from me is an exterminator, so that was an easy call to make!) and he came today. Apparently, we have a special kind of ant (fragrant ants?) and they are living under the front porch. Ironically, my parents have the same ants at their house . . . coincidence? YOU decide! He sprayed all over outside, and so far, the ants seem to be gone. We may need to spray a few more times to keep them at bay, but for now, all is much improved.

I've been running around crazed all week - business meetings, classes with Micah, work to do, trying to find childcare, and meeting with contractors to discuss whether we should put a small addition on the house to give me an office. On Tuesday, Micah's Goppy (my dad) babysat on his own for the very first time while DH and I attended meetings. It was a smashing success, and I'm hopeful that we can utilize Goppy's babysitting services again. At one of our classes this week, we went to a pottery place, and we decorated a tile with Micah's name on it and his footprints. I will post a picture when I get it back next week. I can barely see straight this week! I wish I had our child care situation worked out - I'm still nervous about what we will be doing and how to proceed. I really need to have more time available and get more work done.

I don't have any new pictures to post today. My "little" man is now 12 lbs! He is growing rapidly, and I'm afraid to admit that the arms and legs on his size 0-3 month clothes may be getting a bit short. I think it may be time to move him into the next size, and we are probably just another week or two away from size 2 diapers! I can't believe how much he is growing. We have our final Baby & Me class on Monday. I am probably going to have to stop doing as many classes with him if I put him in daycare or get a nanny - which I suppose I have to do anyway since I need to get more work done during the day. In June, I hope to start swim lessons with him, and I'd like to sign up for a music class with a bunch of the other women from our Baby & Me class. We are planning to continue with a playgroup, so that should be fun.

Next week is another crazy week - Wednesday and Thursday night is the beginning of Passover, an 8 day holiday for us. The first two nights are marked by a special dinner known as a seder, and we will be hosting the 2nd seder at our house. Most of DH's family will be coming to town to join us, and this is only the 2nd holiday we've hosted. We are nervous about all the chaos, but also excited to spend time with the family. This will be the 2nd time Micah has met his grandparents. I'm hoping all goes smoothly and that Micah goes to bed easily even with all the commotion in the house. I think DH & I will be cooking for the next week. He went out tonight to pick up a turkey and some brisket so we can get started this weekend. I'll give an update next week!

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