Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Appt Update

I'm trying to stay positive, but today was a slightly rough day for me. It was my 28 week appointment - fairly routine, gestational diabetes test scheduled, and not much else to worry about. HOWEVER, last night, I began to realize that the dull ache on the side of my abdomen that had been bothering me since Sunday had escalated to the point of excruciating. After much debate, DH & I decided I should tough it out until our appointment this morning.

I arrive for my appointment, and quickly discover that the nurse forgot to give me the glucola to drink at home BEFORE my appointment. So, at the appointment I have to quickly inhale the horrific orange goop without vomiting (quite a task), and then sit and wait an hour so they can draw my blood. We went into the room for my appointment, and then things went downhill. The good news is, the baby's heartbeat was great, and I'm measuring right on target. I did not gain any weight again, but this midwife seemed totally unconcerned by my lack of weight gain, so I did escape the yelling/lecture. We quickly moved on to more "fun" subjects . . . including the return of my UTI. Yup, it is back. Or perhaps it never left this last time. And my numbers were through the roof - the infection just keeps getting worse. So, I'm being placed back on antibiotics . . . for the rest of this pregnancy. Fun, huh?

So, after discussing my lovely UTI, I brought up the pain in my abdomen. After some discussion and a quick check, I was informed that I have pulled a muscle in my abdomen. I have to go out and buy an abdominal support brace, which she thinks I'll have to wear for the remainder of the pregnancy :(. I'm definitely not pleased about that either. And it looks like I have to drop out of yoga class now, too :(.

Next bit of fun? We talked about my morning sickness and other tummy issues I've been having . . . and I was basically told there isn't much more we can do. I'm supposed to stay away from fiber/veggies (haven't heard that one too often, right?) and understand that the antibiotics will probably just make it worse.

So then it was off to visit with the nurse to have my blood drawn. Let's just say she was not quite adept at drawing blood. Four (yes, I said 4) stabs later, and lots of moving the needle around, she finally got the blood, but it involved tears and hysteria from me. I have good veins . . . any competent phlebotomist should be able to draw blood from me without incident. I was really unhappy today, pretty worked up, and now I look like a junkie with track marks. It is days like this that it is difficult to keep the thrill of being pregnant and not get caught up in the bad stuff. Let's just hope the test comes back negative and I can at least avoid having to do the 3 hour test!

1 comment:

Krissy said...

Oh I am so sorry!!! What a yucky appointment! I tore a ligament earlier in my pregnancy (read: my SON tore my ligament with his acrobatics) and I know how painful that was. Hopefully the support brace will help you some.

When will you get the results of your GD check? If your numbers are only a little elevated, you can refuse the 3 hr test. It doesn't sound like it would be much fun to me!