Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Good appointment . . . maybe there is hope!

We had a great appointment with the LC this morning. The good news is, she DOESN'T think I have a supply issue! We worked on getting Micah to latch without the nipple shield, and he seems to be latching (at least for now). He was able to take over 3.5 ounces off of the breast without the nipple shield today! We've never been able to give him that much. She thinks he should be eating 3-4 ounces a feeding. She wants me to work on the latch without the nipple shield, and continue to give him some supplements (and try and let him be the guide). She wants me to keep pumping to protect my supply, but she says that I don't need to keep pumping 8x/day. She said for now to aim for 5x/day, and as he does a better job getting what he needs over the next week or two, I can start to reduce the pumping sessions. I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulder!

Now, we do need to work on increasing my pumping output - she thinks it could be the pump (she thinks the hospital grade pump is better). I'm not convinced that is the answer either, but we'll see. One hurdle at a time!

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